In my practice as a Holistic Therapist, I particularly enjoy helping clients reconnect with their internal peace and helping them find their true INspiration.
My unique skillset includes Reiki Master Teacher; Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner; Crystal Grid Creator; Oracle Card Reader; Audio Specialist; and Life Coach.
I am a Managing Change and Energy Balancing Expert with personal experience of many aspects of modern life including childbirth; inter-personal relationships - family, partners, friends; work and the stresses involved; death and the grieving process; and how to successfully work through all this “stuff”. The wisdom gained from these processes enables me to provide practical advice and support as well as energy balancing to my clients who are ready to progress to the next level on their journey.
Are you ready to process your journey so far and develop your dreams and desires into manifestable reality?
My personal healing journey started over 20 years ago when I started exploring Aromatherapy, I still enjoy using Essential Oils for myself and around the home. I have always had Crystals in my life, I have inherited my love of Amethyst from my Grandmother. A passion for creative projects inherited from my mother has taken me from flower arranging to glass painting. Astrology is a subject that has always interested me and that interest continues to grow over time.
My first encounter with depression was after my beloved Grandmother passed when I was 16, the only thing that helped me through this phase of my life was music, I enjoyed seeing bands and dancing as I could forget about everything else. This led to a career as a Sound Engineer which lasted over three decades.
I ended up married to an older man at 19 and was pregnant when I was 21. My father passed when I was 7 months pregnant, I didn’t have the time to grieve properly before my daughter arrived. And this was my second encounter with depression, which I had to keep putting aside so I could care for my daughter. I left the marriage a couple of years later to pursue a career as a Sound Engineer, and maintaining the role of part time mum with continual support from my mother.
In 1998, I was invited to join a prestigious Sound Company as a full time member of staff, a role that I loved and grew into over 19 years of employment with them.
That year my mother was diagnosed with cancer and after a month in hospital passed away. This led to my most serious bout of depression that I really struggled with and just could not shake. I sought assistance from my Doctor who prescribed anti-depressant medication, which after a month of taking them caused a massive allergic reaction resulting in a trip in an ambulance, oxygen and steroids to calm the reaction down. That was when I decided no more medication to alleviate depression. I sought out counselling which was beneficial and helped me get back to a place of functioning “normality”.
I went down the route of overworking, and partying hard to avoid properly dealing with all the emotional trauma from losing such important members of my family. Deep down I knew that there must be another way to feel better and to live a more rewarding and fulfilling life.
In 2011, I did my first Holistic Course in Crystal Therapy and have been creating Crystal Grids ever since.
Later that year I started my Reiki Training, qualifying as a Practitioner in 2012. Reiki has completely changed my life with daily meditation and self healing. I have become a much more peaceful person and I enjoy seeing the difference it has made to family, friends and clients. I attained my Reiki Master Teacher qualification in February 2020.
I have done workshops in several disciplines: Sound Therapy using Tuning Forks; Indian Head Massage; and Mandala creating; which have allowed me to experience some other healing modalities and given me additional tools that I can use during Sessions.
I use Oracle cards in readings; I also use them to help clients focus on what is the underlying theme for their therapy session; and for myself for meditation.
Experiencing the ThetaHealing Technique has allowed me to work through my "Stuff" and clear my energy from past trauma, sadness and fears. After a work-stress induced breakdown, I was inspired to start my training in 2015 where I learned that you can change how you live your life and fulfill your purpose. It has given me the mental space to allow energy to flow better and has helped me to become a better channel for healing others.
By 2019, I had decided that I wanted more from life than city living could offer. With my partner's assistance, I completed renovating my flat and sold it, so we could finance the major life change. After several viewing trips to France, in February 2020 we found a location for our new life - a property of 4 hectares with a home for us; plus a fantastic Gîte (French holiday home) with a large hall - perfect for classes; and a studio apartment. The land was already organic, with a history of permaculture (though very overgrown); lots of trees, including an orchard; and views to the Pyrenee mountains. With all the travel restrictions in 2020, we did not see the property again until we arrived to move in, in June.
Since then we have been exploring our buildings and the land, making many wonderful discoveries and celebrating being surrounded by nature. There are a myriad of creatures who reside here - insects, reptiles, birds and mammals, each demonstrating different aspects of the circle and cycles of life.
We are discovering how to work with the land we inhabit, making the most of all the opportunities that living here has gifted us, working to support the natural environment that surrounds us, nurtures us and provides us with new knowledge and skills.
I am still learning about all the amazing things that life has to offer. I am interested in promoting a Holistic approach to life where each of us contributes to the well being of the world we live in. A world where every individual is treated with respect, including all living beings - plants & animals too.
ThetaHealing® is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy.
Reiki is a technique for stress reduction that also promotes healing & relaxation.
Crystals are my beautiful assistants during sessions of healing and creation.